In hindsight, writing the first 99 posts was easier than this list of 100 things about me. Here's to the first 100 entries and at least 100 more.Generally, conventionally hot men do not appeal to me in the slightest.
I spent part of my sixth-grade year living in a thatched-roof cottage in Belgium. The smell of both bananas and popcorn make me sick to my stomach.
I can't for the life of me truly understand the law of supply and demand.
I never cry as hard as I do at the end of the movie Rudy.
No matter how hard I try to think otherwise, I find both Julia Roberts and sushi to be grossly overrated.
I eat McDonald's fries so seldom that I get mad when the ones I am served are lukewarm and/or droopy.
I can't stand it when women think their only tool is their sexuality.
I horded toilet paper rolls and garbage in my younger years.
I can bake a mean rum cake.
I have ridden a camel in Tunisia.
At times I think I would rather take my life in my own hands than die a slow and tortured death from illness.
I eat one Cadbury Cream Egg per year, and I savor each and every bite.
Low water pressure infuriates me.
I think few things are as beautiful in their color and intricacy as the face of a cat.
I consider Diet Coke, Coke Classic, C2 and Coke Zero to have been created at the hands of a diety.
You couldn't pay me enough to work in sales, the theater or NASCAR.
Tom Cruise's kissing in Top Gun never ceases to disgust me.
I have peed in my kitchen garbage can while intoxicated.
I am a firm believer that naps should be instituted at all adult worksplaces and that roast beef should receive an NC-17 rating at all delis.
My first concert was seeing ZZ Top at the Meadowlands.
For much of high school, I attended church youth group only to meet boys.
My first flashbulb memory is of Samantha Smith dying in a plane crash.
I perspire excessively and suck at sports equally to excess.
My first star sighting was of Katherine Helmond outside of a Boots drugstore.
I have never used the word
rad in a serious context.
I thoroughly researched leaving my doctoral program to become a pastry chef.
I have never boarded a Metrobus because I'm intimidated about the process of paying the fare.
I have colored my hair for almost half of my life.
I wasn't seriously kissed until I was 17 (and was seeing Silence of the Lambs at a movie theater. Ugh.)
I fear I'll never escape living paycheck to paycheck.
I have thought about how I'd turn down being asked to be a godmother.
I am afraid to swim with my face in the water.
I was voted Spirit Queen and Class Flirt my senior year of high school (year unknown).
I regret not having transferred to another university in undergrad.
No desire exists to have a tattoo or piercing below the ears.
Sometimes while pumping gas I inhale fumes with great pleasure.
My beau and I engage in revolting baby talk. Pet names include, but are not limited to, Boo Radley, Boo Diddles, Diddler, Sugar Snap, and Short Stack.
Beyond tuna fish, I have no interest in ingesting seafood of any kind.
I own a Spice Girls CD.
I am obsessed with the fact that I might have horrific body odor.
Few things make me want to maim another human being as much as the beau's choice of mouthwash does.
Behind dogs and cats, my ideal pet would be a seahorse.
I can't stand elitism and those with a sense of entitlement.
When I was in 8th grade, I made a daily trip to the HS via short bus to take French.
Voting for third-party candidates in the present political climate frustrates me.
Once a friend's mom asked us to take our tops off while we finger painted; I'm still uncomfortable.
Others have reported that I uncontrollably say "jugs" when changing my clothes.
I am revolted by yellow pit stains but don't often flinch when cleaning up cat vomit.
I secretly wish I could sew my own clothes.
I once lived in a hotel by the Place de la Concorde for six weeks.
I love to eat at Hooters.
Last week I looked up how much it would set me back to purchase a soda fountain machine for my apartment.
I only own five bras.
I saw a lamb's head at a butcher shop as a child and cannot erase the image from my mind.
I have a social phobia of playing softball.
I think purchasing Vogue is a waste of money.
I used to work in a day care center.
Due to a family superstition, I can never mix the colors red and white at my wedding.
John Mellencamp's lyric "I cannot forget from where it is that I come from" sends me into an editing frenzy.
I have pretended to be sick to get to the front of a women's restroom line.
I love shopping at Staples; an array of colorful Post its makes me want to explode.
I have never watched TLC's A Baby Story without crying.
I firmly believe that sports teams should only be able to win any given title once in a decade. Then more teams would get a turn.
I understand how people become addicts when I'm eating Salt and Vinegar chips.
I find it difficult to understand why some fiancees keep the ring after a broken engagement.
I have owned more hermit crabs in my life than DVDs.
I love the smell of wood burning in a fireplace.
I bite my nails.
If Guy wouldn't kill me, I'm pretty sure I would full-on make out with Madonna.
I'm allergic to Tide detergent; as a child, I was allergic to most food preservatives and cats.
I've never gotten a pedicure.
I despise all jokes involving flatulence.
I wish with every fiber in my being that I could live overseas within the next five years.
I have never ridden on a motorcycle.
I almost always just feel sorry for strippers.
When I see a picture of Nancy Kerrigan I wonder why they didn't smack her in the teeth too.
I'm afraid of Lasix surgery but have no problem rubbing the surface of my eye with my fingers.
Cocos isn't cocoa to me without marshmallows.
I took classical piano lessons for 10 years.
I will wake up/make time no matter day or night to see a meteor shower, comet, eclipse, etc.
I love to cook but rarely do so.
I once worked as a pharmacy tech/cashier/lottery, wine and cigar salesoman, all at the same establishment. Did I mention that security cameras were focused on the employees at all times, not the store patrons?
In 10th grade, I shaved off most of my right eyebrow.
I have cheated in a relationship.
My favorite flower is the gerbera daisy.
I have no tolerance for true intolerance.
I worked for two years within barb-wired walls.
I used to seriously kick ass at both Frogger and Pitfall. Seriously.
I am considering using Rogaine for women.
I can still remember the first time I got the wind knocked out of me. I thought I was dying.
I was by my grandfather's bedside when he passed away.
You will almost never see me in a pair of jeans.
I have never bought myself a piece of fine jewelry.
I have used a men's urinal.
I once ate four hot dog buns before realizing the rest were covered in blue mold.
I lost the 8th grade spelling bee on the word
I went to the eye doctor in elementary school complaining of seeing things. Turned out it was the reflection of my eye in my glasses.
I enjoy reading Maxim.
Sometimes when I look at my cats I can't help thinking about the one we dissected in AP Bio.
Oh, and by the way, only one of these things isn't true.
I never did shave my eyebrow. Go Neil!