February 8, 2006
The part of Chrissy Snow will now be played by Kris
I made it halfway to my old job this morning before realizing I was going the wrong way. I then proceeded to get lost in parts of Arlington and Falls Church that I didn’t know existed.

I apparently lost 4.4 pounds of BRAIN MATTER last week.



Blogger Poppy said...

I know it's not polite to laugh, so I instead smiled at you. :)

Blogger Thérèse said...


Sometimes we go through the morning routine unconsciously.

*still giggling*

Blogger afromabq said...

Geez Kris-that's a rough morning. I forgot my cell phone this a.m.- does that make you feel better? (Seriously, how does one forget their cell phone?)

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

I metro in to work in DC every day, but occasionally when I drive in, I'm paranoid that I'm going to get all the way to the home to Alexandria before I remember that my car is (and now will continue to sit) all alone in the middle of a concrete slab in a shitty area of town. All. Night. Long.

Blogger Heather B. said...

Reminds me of sunday when I drove around NE for an hour trying to find 495 and I only made it as far as umm 295. Then realized I was lost, in NE so I decided to go back. FYI, DC is really fucking big sometimes.

Blogger mysterygirl! said...

Oh, I do this all the time. I make the same commute almost every time I drive, so I find myself heading in that direction even when I need to take another route. I like to think that we both are thinking so hard on other very important, meaningful things that we can't trouble ourselves with the minutiae of our commute. Better that than the alternative.

Blogger Cheryl said...

That's definite auto-pilot!

Blogger Bill said...

Keep an eye out for my brain matter too, if you're looking. I shaved off half my moustache a couple of days ago before I realized what I was doing. (I'm still not sure what I was trying to do ... probably trim it.)

Blogger Unknown said...

When you've lost the weight you're looking to lose you can celebrate by going to Five Guys Burgers or Hard Times Cafe (both in Arlington) and emailing me how good it was.

I really, really miss my old haunts.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know where your 4.4 pounds of brain matter went.
I think my whole Cerebrum is hanging out wherever that is.

Stupid brains running away..

Blogger Kim said...

One morning I went to my old place of employment too. The funny part is it was 2 years after I had quit that job. Luckily, it's just on the other side of the airport.

Blogger Sizzle said...

but at least you lost!

;) sizz

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forget where i'm driving to all the time and then in the middle of the drive i startle and have to ask myself, this is not my car, these aren't my kids and this is not my beautiful life...

Blogger theinebriantgrape said...
Blogger Paisley said...

I am prone to spacing out in my car and missing my turn and having to drive a long while before I can turn around and get back on the freeway. It's sad when you realize that you were driving for a while and have no memory of where you were going...

Blogger playfulinnc said...

On the road, there are only a few hotels that have good product. My favorite, the Savery, in Des Moines of all places, has really great product.

One day, my hair was really strange. It was flat and a bit sticky. I realized that I had been conditioning with the moisturizer for 4 days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who think D.C. is confusing have never driven in Northern Virginia. They paved the cow paths there. The roads meander and have no rhyme or reason. Even though I no longer live in the area, if I hear the words Seven Corners, I break out in a sweat.

Blogger Bill said...

Did you find my brains yet? Just asking ...

Blogger Keith said...

Arlington, Vietnam?!

Blogger missbhavens said...

Oh, God. Please eat something.

Blogger NARDAC said...

Kris... you have the same weight in brain matter as a mature bottlenose dolphin. I just hope you don't start squeaking.

Blogger Bill said...

I found my brains. They were in the freezer with the inedible frozen chicken wings.

I'm much smarter now.

Blogger C said...

LOL, "Chrissy!" :o) You make me feel so much better about the things I sometimes do (like putting the phone in the fridge.) But YK, sometimes there's a reason for the weird stuff, too. Like, maybe you'd have been in a nasty wreck if that hadn't happened. You never know. . .

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