September 7, 2007
shut it.
I have this problem of, how you say, not being able to keep my mouth shut. My mother has always told me that it would get me in trouble, that my insistence on hammering out an issue right here, right now would earn me a ticket to the dog house or the big house. This life is still young. I think I might make entrance into both.

The other night I was in a situation out with friends and the new man in which I felt frustrated. The obvious and completely logical choice in said situation would be to:

1) Enjoy yourself. These were only minor frustrations and there is a time and a place for all discussions, this beautiful summer night not being one of them.

2) Wait it out. You may wake up tomorrow and, like elusive matching socks in the dryer, these issues may be nonexistent, a blip on the radar screen of your evening.

3) Drink your weight in Miller Lite and corner the man on the way home, refusing to go inside until you have discussed at record decibels your two-week old dating issues and plans for vacation 2015. I’m not exactly sure, but there may have been finger waving. And possibly some head swivels. Exorcist style.

I’ll let you decide which I chose.

I ache even thinking about it. And I will not be surprised if he himself buys me a membership.


Blogger Nathan Pralle said...

If he flinches when he sees you from now on and wears a cast-iron codpiece, know why. :)

Blogger Amie Adams said...


Can't wait to hear all about it tonight!!

Maybe this time you'll put out!

Blogger Sizzle said...

you pulled out the finger waving didn't you?

oh girl, i've been there.

here's to hoping there is make up sex in your future.

Blogger bandick said...

Tell him to call me before he gets the subscription for you...maybe we could get a two-fer!

If he pusses out from that, he's not right for us anyway. It is okay that I live vicariously through you, right?

Blogger Tilly said...

I suffer from the same affliction. It's currently reeking havoc in my life/relationship. Good times.

Blogger Unknown said...

lol--we've all been there! In fact my now fiancee pulled the same thing on me just weeks into dating him.. No worries, part of being human and dating is experiencing emotional highs and lows (for good or bad). If he's worth your time, he'll understand. If not, thank goodness you got that off your chest!!

Blogger Paige Jennifer said...

Oh sweet Jesus, good woman! Don't make me come down there and set you straight.

Joking aside, we all act a little loopy (she says while pointing northward in the direction of the Eskimo land her recent ex calls home) but it is said loopy-ness that makes us who we are as a whole. And if he can't step back and deal or find it all sorta charming (chamring like when you had a bloody knee while sporting a sassy strapless number at a cocktail party in Chicago), well, he'll NEVER get you. And you deserve to be gotten.

Blogger Emily said...

Oh! Feeling your pain!

It's so hard in a new relationship -- there's hardly any frame of reference so you don't know what qualifies as a "quirk" and what requires a full-on, finger-waving discussion. (although in my experience, finger waving never gets you anywhere).

Well, the good news is that if he wasn't scared off. Now he unequivocally knows some new boundaries :)

Blogger Tracy Lynn said...

That's what happens when you drink angry.

If he's the right guy, he'll get over it, but you may have to eat crow. I hear it's low carb.

Blogger Skyzi said...

I agree with Tracy, if he can't understand a drunken spaz out, he's not worth it. If he turns out to not be the man of your china pattern dreams tell him to sign you up for Eharmony (I hear the crazies are on Match).

Blogger TSintheC said...

Damn. I hate when that happens. Blame it on the Miller Lite and tell him next time you need real beer.

Blogger Andy said...

I thought you two met on match?

Blogger sue said...
Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Good God, it's like reading my own relationship woes - only with better writing.

Blogger Heather B. said...

We shall discuss on our date. Because dude, I'm having issues as well. And you may not be able to keep your mouth shut, but I can't either. We'll be like two peas in a pod.

Blogger JoJo said...

Eek! Sounds all too familiar. My sympathies.

Blogger Liz said...

Well, better sooner than later. Is that a mom thing to say or what??? Also, while I like "your real friends will like you for who you are" I LOVE "your real friends will like you despite how you act sometimes."

When I started dating my husband I tried not be, you know, crazy. Little did I know that my crazy was normal compared to his previous girlfriend. It's a questionable victory, but hey, you take what you can get.

Blogger *~*Cece*~* said...

You had me at Miller Lite.

Blogger playfulinnc said...

Crazy is relative. The fancy head swivel could come in handy one day.

Blogger KlevaBich said...

Hey, if he can't take it, best to find out early in the game! You are one fantabulous woman, and he'd best get used to you having a mind of your own. Right? Right.

Blogger Jorge said...

You need to speak to Mrs. Jorge about these sorts of things.

I don't know how she does it, but I am very well behaved in public.

AND potty trained!

Blogger Melina said...

I also drank my body weight in Miller Lite last night AND had a screaming/crying fit with my husband John...also at some point I shut my fingers in the car door apparently...I'm just glad it would cost him too much to just buy me a membership :)

Blogger Kate said...

This post is an amazing reminder why it is best to choose #1 or #2 (which are boring) rather than the satisfying #3...I'm sorry that you had to be the one to make the example for

I have been there. R has seen his share of flip outs. I'm sure you weren't like the Exorcist!! ;)

Blogger Gwen said...

Oi. I don't know that it's any worse than the sulky passive aggressive "Nothing's wrong" shit that I have been known to pull on occasion.

Finger waving is good though. I live for finger waving. In fact, I'm incorporating it into my next "discussion" in honor of you.

Blogger The Super Bongo said...

I think you have to decide how much you like the guy. Do you like him enough to lie about your true self and keep your mouth shut until you can lull him into a secure relationship and then unleash on him? (which is my move) or do you ride the crazy train and see where it takes you?

Blogger Juliness said...

Oh, have I walked a mile or two in that pair of shoes! And as cute as they are, they can be a tough sell for some guys. My hubs is a very patient and understanding man and I thank God every day for my good fortune.

Sending you good thoughts this weekend!

Blogger Lawyer Mama said...

Dude. And how did we *not* discuss this last night?

I'll go on vacation with you in 2015 if he won't!

Blogger KB said...

Oh lord, I am SO sorry. Totally been there :(

<3 !

Blogger tgov said...

I feel ya. I need to learn to zip it, too. verbally, AND bloggily.
Because he gets the RSS feed. gah.

Blogger Miss Parker said...

I always choose #3, personally. I don't know why my boyfriend has stuck around this long, actually.

Just stumbled upon your blog today, and thought I would say hello.

Blogger Ripe for Reading said...

You crack me up!

Blogger The Middle Child said...

That last line cracked me up!

Blogger Zandria said...

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