March 1, 2006
Miss Jurgen if you're nasty
The infamous and ever-cute Jurgen comes this weekend to visit. I fear several things, but here are my top three:

1) that Bug will sit (and rotate with claws out) on her head at 6 am, much like he did to his mama earlier this morning before I put him in the microwave,
2) Jurgen finding the human heads “freaky” or “gross” or “let me out of here, now!” and not the living art I know them to be,
3) that she will attempt to escape from the box under my bed, which formerly housed both Jorge and Peter (but not at the same time.)

If we can hold our heads up long enough to be clever, we plan to post pics of hair braiding and wine consumption activities.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and write love letters to Peter Saaaaaaaarsgaard.

Blogger zinalasvegas said...

That sounds fun. Y'all both have excellent sites. can't wait to hear the debrief...

Blogger Wicked H said...

Have loads of fun and then keep us informed!


Blogger Shawn said...

Sounds like a super groovy time will be had. I hope so...but not so much for J-Naytion since she delisted me and made me cry. But even in my bitterness I can't help but hope you guys have weekend of festive goodness!

Are there airholes in the box?

Blogger Sarcomical said...

DAMMIT! why can't i find a blogger who lives close to me?!?

have fun ;)

Blogger Cheryl said...

Yay wine consumption!

Blogger egan said...

I love seeing pictures of strangers on their blogs. This is why I enjoy blogging. Feel the horn!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

SHAWN!!!! I DIDN'T DELIST YOU!!!! I lost a bunch of links and I didn't remember all of them! I'm adding you back in where you belong.

Sorry to thread-jack.

Blogger Heather B. said...

Jurgen looks lovely and I have no doubt that you all will have a great chardonnay filled weekend.

Blogger egan said...

I'm going to delist everyone on my blogroll because Technorati hates me.

Blogger Shawn said...

J-Nay...I still love you and always will. It was just fun to make you virtual yell. Kisses.

This weekend I will start out with a glass of wine. It will garner many confused looks from my friends, but I'll just smile and say, "It's for my blog buddies Special K and J-Nay."

To which they will respond with, "What the hell are you on about now?"

Or perhaps worse.

The point is... I'm actually not sure what the point is. Oh I remember... The point is, I care...and I'm willing to show it.


Blogger Unknown said...

And a pillow fight, too, right?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was under the box.
So was Peter.
But who got the friggin' blog entry?

I farted in the box before he got there.

Blogger Bill said...

With bated breath we await planned pics with eager anticipation and no small amount of envy.

Blogger Velvet Fog said...

I'm making a map of Tahiti just thinking about it.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

I still plan on visiting you one of these days, so make sure you practice the braiding.

Blogger C said...

Yikes! What if she tries to steal Peter from his box?!? Or have you finished with him already?

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