September 25, 2005
Sunday confessional: Locke and Lamisil
I spent more time obsessing over this week's episode of Lost than I did considering candidates for all local elections since I reached voting age.

Although I know I shouldn't feel this way, I was on the verge of becoming physically ill when watching that animated toenail fungus commercial. Sorry to those of you with dermatophytes.

And your confession?


Blogger Bobby said...

And they didn't even show Sawyer and the raft people.


Blogger Keith said...

I personally like Digger and his friends. Whent they open up your big toenail like the hood of a Chevy and start digging, hee. Oh, do I just laugh and laugh and laugh. Then I say a little prayer to the Lamisil god and ask that I never get toe nail fungus. Ever.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Yay!!! Another Lost fan!!! And ABC is showing that episode again on Wednesday before the new one. I'm so excited I could squirt.

LOST rocks!!

I KNEW it was that guy Jack was running with that was gonna be down in that hole!!

I still have NO idea what's going on, but I was THRILLED that I guessed right on sumthin'!!

Blogger LBseahag said...

I can't figure out why the toe fungus commercial has an animated lady in it, but Herpes commercials still have humans in theirs...

I've got an animated herpe that crawls under a pair of briefs...

Blogger Maddie said...

The sleeping pill commmercials have been bothering me. They list diarrhea among the possible side effects. If you're taking medication that forces you to sleep, is waking up rested in a bed full of DIARRHEA worth it?

Blogger Kim said...

I missed it! I missed it to go to a Nats game with a Danish guy who asked a million questions about foul balls (insert joke here) and to top it all off we lost.

Blogger Megarita said...

Ugh! When he pops up that toenail?!?! totally makes me want to hurl.

Blogger Robin said...

What the heck was Walt whispering in the woods??? That was so creepy. Can't wait for next week...

Blogger alley rat said...

I am newly obsessed with Lost. I watched the entire first season on DVD in a week. Do you know how many hours of TV watching that is? And I had a nightmare about Ethan, the guy who kidnapped Clare and Charlie. He was chasing me.

Yes. I win the pathetic dork contest!

Blogger Angie T said...

I laughed so fing hard reading your blog, went pee, then came back to laugh some more.

Nice work, woman!

Blogger Lushy said...

My cleanest confession is that I've never seen Lost. Please don't hate me.

Blogger begins with v said...

They are supposed to tell us what happened to the raft people this week...Isn't Sawyer just the juiciest thing you've seen in a while??? mmmmm

Blogger Amanda said...

i think i actually wince in pain when he opens the toenail hatch. forget about the dermatophyte for a second (he is rather disturbing) but think about having your toenail bent back like that!! i hear you, that is a troubling commercial. confession: i gagged today during the race for the cure because we were running through central park sidestepping horse poo from those horse and buggy rides tourists love. :)

Blogger QOS said...

That fungus commercial makes me throw up a little in the back of my mouth.

When the last guy I went out with asked for his DVDs back, instead of meeting up with him, I mailed them.

To his parent's house.

Blogger Cheryl said...

And that was just the first show of the season. Can you imagine what the rest of the season will be like?

Those toenail guys aren't so bad once you get the know them.

Blogger t2ed said...

Lushy, I'm with you I've never Lost. Part of it the emotional committment to a new show when I know I can just score it on DVD if it's a success. Plus my friends tell me that nothing ever happens.

Blogger NARDAC said...

Yeah... that Sawyer yumminess... usually the underwear/jean commercial guy never does it for me... but when he pulled out Watership Down and wore taped glasses....oh! But, what was wrong with Jack's wig!? I swear it ruined the whole episode for me.

My confession: I spent 2 hours looking for a video replay of Ronaldo's last goal against Avales. According to legend, he, and two other Brazilians, rolled onto their backs, stuck their arms and legs up in the air, and wriggled like babies, after scoring a goal. Next thing you know they'll be crapping in their shorts. (might as well be tapping blah blah blah blah, because nobody in the States follows football, ahem, soccer)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My confession?
I ate crappy food all weekend, even though I was supposed to start eating healthy.


Blogger missbhavens said...

Oooh...that toenail-hatch makes me nauseous. Even at work, in the nurse's lounge, we scatter like bugs when that commercial comes on. And we see gross stuff all the time!

"Lost" had my brain reeling! What's with the bunker dude who was joggging with the Doc only a couple of years before? And what about the raft? And what about drippy whispering Walt? What WAS that?

I am beside myself.

Blogger kris said...

Bobby, I know! It was a violation. Come on, just showing us a dripping wet Walt? What about our wounded Sawyer? OH THE HUMANITY!

LAD, my heart goes out to you. I would have had nightmares about little yellow animated bugs under my nails. You are a stronger woman than I.

Keith, please do include me in your Lamisil prayer, as well.

Brooke, I'm thrilled too! Let's try to keep our screens clean.

JOAT, I had no idea that Desmond would be in the hatch. Then again, I had no idea Loni Anderson was a cyborg, either.

LBS, crickets.

MP, I have not yet seen said commercials. I like the ones for anxiety meds that tell you death is a side effect. That's encouraging.

Kim, when the Nats' season ends, will you be a Caps girl?

Mega, this is reason #485 why I just know we'll get along in person.

Robin, I played it back in slow motion like 80 times. I think he was saying, "Don't just sit there, you wench, get me a friggin' towel . . ."

Rat, another good friend of mine just did the same thing this weekend. Don't feel badly. You are definitely surrounded by dorks here. ;)

Angela, pee = the highest compliment! Thanks!

Lushy, if you only lived closer I'd be over tonight with the DVD and three bottles of wine.

Slade, they cannot, MUST NOT take Sawyer from us. They can have Walt, just not Sawyer.

Amanda, thank goodness you sidestepped. Now you won't be sitting watching Lamisil commercials this week and wondering what that strange odor is . . .

QOS, Bahahahaaaaahaha. Priceless.

Cheryl, I know. I'm afraid I'll have to take time off to rewatch the episodes the day after.

Dale, ah yes. Now your relationship with Kenny is becoming clearer . . .

Dim, you had me at Ritchie. You so lost me at Belzer. At least you didn't include Dick Marx in your list.

T2ed, you don't have to sacrifice your obsessive Dora watching to include Lost in your lineup.

Nardac, THANK YOU! Now I'm imagining the Lamisil critter wearing Jack's wig. Doubly disturbing.

Jorge, crappy food + bad = sheep burgers?

Miss B, you know it's bad when even the nurses can't take it! I AM SO NOT CRAZY! And you guys see third nipples and stuff all the time, right?

Blogger Kaycee said...

I have never watched a single episode of LOST.

Blogger Genevieve said...

that toenail commercial is disgusting. luckily, I tivo'd lost so I fast forwarded commercials. I don't know why they think that commerical will make you buy the medicine or whatever it is...

I am so curious to see what will happen next on lost!

Blogger Rachel said...

That toe fungus commercial makes me wince in pain at the thought of having my toenail lifted up. One time I actually grabbed my foot to protect it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crickets, Kris.
Or is that Krickets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The toenail commercial makes me want to dive under the couch. Beyond disgusting.

My confession? I'm scared to watch Lost, because I know I'll get addicted and lose Wednesday nights for the duration of the series...

Blogger JordanBaker said...

Did you hear when Elliot in the morning taped what Walt says to Shannon and played it backwards?

He's saying "Don't touch the button. The button is bad."

Creeeeeepy shit, man.

Sorry if this posts twice. Damn weather systems interfering with my signal.

Blogger Modigliani said...

My confession is that I like the taste of pepto bismol!

As for Lost, I've never watch that. *gasp*

Blogger A Unique Alias said...

How's prohibition coming along, Kris?

Blogger Me! said...

Kris-- Thanks for checking out my blog today. I LOVE your template. I'm so jealous I could pee myself.

Alleycat- I sooo did the same thing, not one but two weekends in a row. (I had to wait for my 2nd shipment of discs from Netflix). And to answer the how many hours that is question... I believe it's 32. Wow, I really should have gotten out. But I was obsessed I tell you. Everytime I'd end an episode, I would go "just one more".

Blogger Tyjen said...

my confession is that i've seen some of the same Laguna Beach episodes three times now. and yet, still i watch!

Blogger Miss Penny Lane said...

That commercial is AWFUL!! I switch the channel every time it is on. Ewww!!!

Blogger Kristen said...

you want obsessing? Try

Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

If you vote for me, I'll ban toenail fungus ads. That should be my campaign.

The Democrat candidate - "I'll fix the schools and social security."

The Republican candidate - "I'll lower taxes."

The Zombieslayer - "I'll ban toenail fungus ads."

Vote Zombieslayer for President.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »

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