June 28, 2006
Deja vu
I'm not big on recycling posts, but I couldn't resist taking a look at what I was writing about a year ago, almost to the day. I'm going to post this tomorrow or Friday with my current answers; we'll see where I am now.

Happy Wednesday, everyone.

10 years ago... I was an unhappy woman. I lived in a group house and wanted to boil my roomates' bunnies. I lived on bitterness and the perfect meal of a Burrito Supreme, a large diet coke, and a cigarette. I bought my first car and got into graduate school. Successful by all accounts from the outside, I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and didn't know my own potential.

5 years ago... I was in graduate school. I was a much happier woman but still couldn't get it right. I felt the sun on my face every day. My Burrito Supremes were ordered without sour cream and it was so hot in my apartment that I did aerobics in my underwear. I realized I was good at initiating small talk, baking an incredible spinach/artichoke dip and making people laugh. I was growing into my skin, but still hadn't found my spot.

1 year ago...
Artistic license allows me to change this, n'est-ce pas? Almost three years ago I feel like I blossomed. I threw my first wine and cheese party. I realized I didn't have to take the first One. I chose not to keep friends for the sake of having more people at my wedding. I left graduate school before it suffocated me. I ran from the land of elitism and deprivation and Spanish moss. I followed my heart in all aspects and did what I knew was the right fit for me.

Yesterday... I got a new apartment. It finally has a washer/dryer and a dishwasher, and an elevator. I really do love city living. Now that I won't have bars on my windows.

I may have gone too far in a work conversation. I fully realized my status as a blog comment whore. I called my parents twice because I've started realizing as of late they won't be around forever. I text messaged and felt like a teenager. I held my cat tight and smoosh-kissed his face even though I knew he'd fight it.

Tomorrow... I will wake up and hit snooze, drink diet coke at 10 am and at 5 dish out an unbelievable amount of money on repairs to that car I bought ten years ago.

5 snacks I enjoy... a cold fountain soda diet Coke, street vendor pretzels, Goldfish by the handful (yes, the living ones. ok no, not really), anything that involves smoked Gouda cheese, cannoli . . . I should stop now.

5 songs I know all the words to... Tom Petty's American Girl, quite possibly any song Madonna ever sang, Vienna by Billy Joel, Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water, It Takes Two - well, if I have to tell you who "sang" it, you probably can't appreciate the hilarity of me + dance floor + 4 glasses of wine + no dinner + this song.

5 reality television shows I watch... I'm not sure anyone will read my blog after I fess this one up. Ahem. Hi, I'm Kris, and I indulge in NBC's Starting Over at least once a week. I have to hide my head now.

5 television shows I watch daily...
weekly, I'll give you. Forensic Files, Family Guy, Entourage, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Autopsies live Live LIVE (not really that last one. But truthfully, I'll watch any true crime I can get my eyes on.)

5 things I would do with $100,000,000...
(1) Open a huge no-kill shelter for animals in the DC area (2) Invest a massive amount into mental health research (3) Anonymously donate to friends and relatives (4) Buy my mother something obnoxious so the competitive bitties in her complex will finally stand down, and (5) Pay Carly Simon to tell people "You're So Vain" was really about me.

5 locations I would love to run away to... a hut in the middle of the ocean in Fiji; Chenonceau, if there were no tourists; a cooking school in Italy; a spot in Belgium where the people are friendly and don't make fun of your accent; and when it all boils down to it, my parents' place.

5 things I like doing... Writing, engaging in quality coversation at a restaurant in 70 degree weather without a cloud in the sky and where parking was easy, traveling almost anywhere, laughing as heartily as possible, feeling as if I truly have nowhere to be.

5 things I would never wear... that Victoria's Secret thong made of all pearls, a tie dye, a fully padded bra, those dead Old Navy woman's big black glasses, booty shorts.

5 recently seen movies I like... in the good acting as a molester category: The Woodsman; in the romantic drama/Puffs Plus category: The Notebook; in the soft-core category: Mr. and Mrs. Smith; for I'm not sure what on strings, Team America; and for the he-pretty-much-always-gets-it-right category: Finding Neverland.

5 famous people I'd like to meet... Billy Joel, Jon Stewart (although this might give me the 7th grade weak knees), Rod Stewart ("so tell me, why do you attempt to sing?"), the woman on the Time magazine cover with those haunting light eyes, and although not famous, my father's father.

5 biggest joys of the moment... salt. white wine. my beau comes home soon. my parents are still here. and I will never, ever run out of true crime.


Blogger Margaret said...

I had never thought of unending true crime as a source of joy. Thanks for the new perspective.

Blogger JMai said...

Call me corny but I enjoy these kinds of posts. I also know all the words to It Takes Two (or at least I used to), and I think I'm pretty glad about the fact that I have no idea what Starting Over is. Yes, I live in this country.

Blogger Megan said...

I can wait to see the updated answers! We need to hang out.

Blogger I-66 said...

Take it off the rack if it's whack put it back, I like the Whopper...

Blogger Sharkbait said...

I love these.

I am a true crime whore myself. Can't.Get.Enough.

This got me thinking...thank you for making me smile this morning.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the beau is coming home???"

did I miss something? hey-ho!

Blogger Paige Jennifer said...

Ah, the places you've been and the places you're going. But come on now - Starting Over (I've seen one episode once - I swear)? Luckily you won me back as a fan when you noted a fondness for Entourage and John Stewart (excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin).

Loved this post.

Blogger Modigliani said...

Mmmm... smoked gouda!

Can't wait for tomorrow's "current" version.

Blogger mysterygirl! said...

This is fun-- I can't wait to see your updated answers.

Blogger Liberal Banana said...

Nice post. I don't know if you've been reading my blog lately, but I posted in the past week about the animal shelter I volunteer at here in DC. Check it out when you have a second...

Blogger jenn said...

Aha! A sister smoked-gouda lover!!! You ARE out there!

Blogger lizzyjane said...

I have returned to the land of blog!

Free from throat viruses and wedding stress, I am carefree as a naked 3 year old.

I actually remember this post from a year ago.

Blogger African Kelli said...

This is my first time on your site and what a wonderful post to read! Great introduction. Love it!

Blogger missbhavens said...

I'm sure 365 days has not changed your feeling about pearl thongs...

I'm curious to see what does change...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm with you on not keeping friends for the sake of having more at a wedding. those said friends are the ones who usually bag out of attending anyway...

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Excellent. I don't think I've done this one, or maybe I have...I can't remember. Oh well, I'm going to do an anniversary post tomorrow too. I'm such a copycat.

Blogger Bill said...

If we organzied a pool and raised money would you wear, "... that Victoria's Secret thong made of all pearls, a tie dye, a fully padded bra, those dead Old Navy woman's big black glasses, booty shorts."

Just asking.

Blogger Mone said...

sometimes its good to think about one self... nice post, you seem happy =)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone will fault you for recycling. Sometimes it's good to remind people who we are, and how far we have come along in our journey.

Some fall behind, but not you. No, not you. You are always moving ahead, believe it or not.

You conquer fears, try the unknown, and discover more about yourself than most people ever want to.

You're one of the bravest people I know, and I love you for it.

Never stop.

Looking forward to "Zero Hour".


PS: Hurry up and post, dammit! :)
PPS: You also know where Lake Ontario is now, too. :) I have to keep you grounded, don't I?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight." Is that the song? If so, I heart it!

I like to smush kiss my cat's face as well. She looks at me like I'm insanse, meows, and then attacks my arm. Pure fun.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this! I vote that you do it every year.

Mind if I steal the format? No? Good. ;-)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heart you.

I'm stealing.

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