Cat 1: "Bug" 7-year-old Presbyterian tabby searching for his hello kitty. Lost wrestling scholarship to Florida State University after devastating bout of lyme disease. Known to friends as a lover not a fighter, but will lick between nails while making fist to appear tough. Body type: Endomorph. Currently a finalist on Animal Planet's
Biggest Loser; on rigorous agility workout plan to drop 1/4 his body weight before next season's
Amazing Race. Excessive Bud drinker. Known to peep on unsuspecting females from bedroom window. Despises public displays of affection. Staunch Democrat. Best feature: Eyes. Enjoys excessive pun use. Most recent quote:
Look what the cat dragged in. Closest human counterpart: Kevin James.
Cat 2: "Cricket" Did bicuriosity kill the cat? Non-conformist female with bulemic tendencies. 2 years old. Employment: Paw model. Likes clubbing all night, Red Bull, and chewing on owner's hair while she is resting peacefully. Removed hairbrush from said owner's handbag last week and yanked all hair out to allow for more uninhibited chewing. Left clump on floor. Risk taker - will scour drain for food remnants whether garbage disposal is running or not. Licks lower belly when unsuspecting, easily-offended dog people are visiting. Social drinker, but known to make sexual advances when intoxicated. Never married. On next season's Oprah, intends to track down her three kittens given up for adoption when she was only 1. Pet peeve: Vets who assume she's an insect. Most recent quote:
That's hot. Best Feature: Freckled pink lips. Closest human counterpart: Lindsay Lohan.
Serious inquiries only. No hairless or purebreds.Labels: On kids and cats
Aw, what beautiful kitties!
How cute...remind me of my Aurora.
Holy crap. That's the best/worst/best turned turn of phrase ever: "Did bicuriousity kill the cat." Jesus. Oche.
Our cats are interested in swapping for a week.
My people will call your people.
Next on, cat scratch fever. Myth or reality?
Bug seems to be thinking, "Go ahead and mock you lowly human."
give my love to them both - even bug who hid from me for almost 24 straight hours!
Man I started sneezing just looking at those cats - guess I should be more careful.
And yes Cat Scratch Fever is totally real! My friend's dad almost died from it. Ye be warned, cat owners, you're playing with FIRE!!!!
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Guys, beware. I have met both of these cats on dates and they look nothing like their photos...
Maybe I should start a personal ad for Romeo!!
my kittens would like are looking for "cat mentors" and i think yours would be perfect. ;)
Now I want to write about my babies! Your pussies are adorable!
No wonder you know so much about cat humping.
If I drank milk before reading this post, it would have shot out my nose.
Can I post a for my dog, or is it only for cats?
My females want to know if bug is luekemia and feline aids free. They're phobs like me.
did your kitties know that you were setting them up for blind dates and mug shots cause they are seriously posing for the camera...
they should have personal ads for pets: best friends beyond humans...descrete and classy connections made.
My cat is cuter than your cat. Thin is the new fat.
Kris, in a blog full of brilliant and hilarious posts, this one is the cat's pajamas.
Sorry for the pun I mean. The cat's pajamas is a good thing. In other words, I loved this post.
soooo cute. They should check out Rickie Green's profile on Friendster--I firmly believe she swings both ways.
That ALMOST makes me want to like cats!
Do prospectives need to be kitties? I know a few humans who could really use a date.
ahh....jinx wants Cricket, and Meangirl wants Bug...
we could have a wedding....on tender!
I'm diggin it, meeeeoooowww!
Hmmmm, I have a new kitten that adopted us, who goes by the name of Sidewinder. In just a few more months he could come knocking!
While I can't get them hooked up, I can empower them to get themselves hooked up... Send them to Stripey Francoise's blog where they can meet many nice cats.
meowrrrrr.... well, heeeeeeello kitty'!! How you dooin'?
hot cat! may i suggest an arrangement with my cat. she's not snobby. she'll take anyone ;)
I think Cricket and I are twins!
If my Piper hadn't run away I would have set him up with her.
Interesting ... Bug looks like a well-fed version of my cat, Gonzo:
But Cricket, with the bulemic thing, sounds more like her. I don't even want to think what would happen if they hooked up (bulemic lesbian cats?).
Maybe there's a program for bulemic cats.
I have been waiting forever for another kitty post!
I showed Bear and Val pictures of Cricket and Bug, and they are very interested in meeting. I think I heard Val use the word "swingers" somewhere in her meowed pleadings.
Whenever a cat looks at you, you can tell that they're trying to decide if they could eat you in one sitting.
Oh mama,
You're killing me! I am crying from laughing so much. Good luck on that weight-loss program!!! :)
Presbyterian, huh? I would have pegged him for a Methodist based on that description.
Best comment on this post--
"Your pussies are adorable!"
Truly, truly hilarious.
Jesus - aren't hairless cats and dogs just wrong in every way? It's 8 degrees here in London today, and I see this woman in my neighbourhood, walking her Mexican Hairless, and she's got a Baby Gap jumper on it. Yeah, 'cause it can't GET any uglier.
(I love Cricket's little face by the way, she's 'smiling' for the camera!)
My old cat used to chew on my head too. At first I thought it had something to do with the fact taht I fiddle with my hair while reading books, but maybe there's just some serious deviant cats out there that like the smell of head.
Dude, my wife is in love with you. She doesn't even comment on Dave's site.
My cat is a “Twink.” Your cat seems to be a “Bear.” Maybe we could set something up. He is open to video, but isn’t into Golden Litter Boxing. FYI.
You always can make me laugh!
Dogs rule and cats drool. No I'm serious. There is a cat that sits in my lap while I do pottery. It will not leave. It just sits there and drools, all over my leg. I cannot remove it because my hands are full of clay. When I nudge it off, it climbs back on and deposits another puddle of drool. It is disgusting.
LOL! What a great, original entry! I am disturbed that I have more than a little in common with Cat #2.
I'm a dog person, too. But I peacefully co-exist with cat people.
OMG! Tell me are you into acting? This is great stuff... I love to laugh.
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