May 27, 2005
Make my way back home and learn to fly
Nothing makes a day like pure sunshine, the absence of traffic, Dave Grohl on your radio, a four-day weekend, and a 64-ounce diet coke.

Nothing, not even the narcissism of one Mr. Tom Cruise, could ruin a day like today.


Blogger Mel said...

The commute was great this morning, wasn't it? I love the Friday before the holiday weekend...

Hope your Friday at work will be uneventful!

I raise my keg of Diet Coke to you! Have a great holiday weekend!

Blogger AvR said...

I live for Diet Coke.

PS: do not buy the diet coke with Splenda. It tastes like Tab. Ucch.

Blogger Mel said...

Ari, I like my Diet Coke with lemon. Not the flavor "Diet Coke with Lemon", but an actual slice of lemon in it.

I kinda liked the Splenda Diet Coke, but I couldn't drink mass quanities of it as I do regular Diet. I'll stick with the original.

Blogger Mel said...

Kris, no "Strong Bad Email" update this week at! What the hell? Are you feeling gypped?, cause I am.

Blogger Kim said...

let's talk about tom's oprah interview. did anyone watch him reveal to the world that he is a goofball? or should i say, idiot? our first clue was when he divorced nicole (i've always been on her side), but now i think she's lucky.

Blogger lizzyjane said...

Tom Cruise can go fuck himself. What an obnoxious, selfish, RIDICULOUS little man.
I love how he thinks that he can adopt a bi racial child and never acknowledge the fact that the child is biracial. I think Oprah was PISSED when he said that.
He feels like there is "no reason" to explain this to him since "we are all the human race" Yeah, you asshole, but we all have different cultures! What a great idea to deprive a child of his own cultural backround, so he can grow up confused and jaded! Fabulous.

Blogger kris said...

First things first. No Strongbad email = even that can't ruin this gorgeous weekend. Disappointing, however = YES! I need a diet coke . . .

2nd things second. I can't even believe that the media has not reacted more strongly to the manic display that has been Tom Cruise over the past week. Kim and Lizzy - you are spot on.

I was even more struck by his interview on Access Hollywood - his grand statements about how psychology and psychiatry are disciplines not based on science; how Brooke Shields didn't really experience postpartum depression, but instead isn't happy due to life circumstances and a lost career . . .

Let me say also that I nearly jumped through the television when the unusually deep Billy Bush asked Tom, "Well, don't you think that these pharmaceutical companies think they're doing the right thing?" (referring to producing psychotropic medications used to treat depression, anxiety, etc.)

And to that, Tom replied, "Well, I think drug dealers probably think they're doing the right thing too . . ."

Tom Cruise, you can stick it up your ass. You find yourself in the throes of a long-term clinical depression and let me know if scientology meetings, a weekend at Cannes, some positive thinking and a new girlfriend clear that up for you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I must have really missed something. I have not seen one single Tom Cruise interview this week. I did not even know that he was making the rounds. Yet, he apparently has stirred up a hornets nest from the comments I am reading.

The only TC movie I ever enjoyed was The Last Samurai. In this movie, TC did something he had never done before - act. That is my passive/aggressive comment of the week. Thank you very much.

In other news, the highlight of my weekend is moving the Cafe to the new website! And you, Kris, are thus far not only my first but only comment. Thank you for making my day!

Blogger lizzyjane said...

Nothing makes me happier than Tom Cruise bashing.

Blogger Katie said...

Really dug himself a hole w/ the Brooke Shields comment didn't he? See if you can find the imitation Tina Fey did at a recent NYC comedy event. Hilar..

Blogger kris said...

PLD - I worship Tina Fey and can't believe I didn't know about that! My TF stalking efforts have clearly not paid off . . .

LE - I did not see that interview but I heard about it - he is SO wrong in SO many ways. Run Nicole! Run Mimi! Run Penelope! Run JOEY, RUN!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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